In order to expand our services here at ByteBox Media, we are merging all the website logins into one central database.
This enables you to login faster to our Store, our products and services using a Single-Sign-On method.
Your GLCV2 (Game Launcher Creator) login will now be supported across these domains:
- byteboxmedia.store
- byteboxhost.com
- byteboxmedia.support
- configfilecreator.com
Your data to login in to the network is:
- URL to login: **loginurl**
- Username= **username**
- Password = Needs Changing
N.B – In order to access your account login here and do a password reset using the email above (If you don’t remember your GLCV2 login). Please do not attempt to login more than twice with incorrect details as the system will block your IP for security purposes. If you do not remember the correct details after two attempts, do a password reset.
You should be able to instantly login via https://byteboxmedia.support/account/ and from here you can change your password (we highly recommend you do) and set your own avatar through your public profile.
If you have any queries, issues or questions, please don’t hesitate to post on our brand new forum – https://byteboxmedia.support/forums/ or email us directly support@byteboxmedia.co.uk
You can check out our privacy policy for the whole network here – https://byteboxmedia.store/privacy/ and our terms and conditions and terms of service here – https://byteboxmedia.store/terms/
This privacy policy and terms of service covers your use of all the ByteBox Media network, all products and all services from this day forward.
If you wish to delete user data, remove or disable your account, you can do via the user control panel in the ByteBox Media support section. Alternatively, you can email us at support@byteboxmedia.co.uk
We have not shared any of your data with anyone else. No third party companies, nobody affiliated. All your data has only been merged internally, not outside the network. We take customer privacy and data protection very seriously.
Please note, due to GLCV2 and GPC websites still using a different database, some accounts may not have been merged into the central database yet. You can check with support if this is the case.
Welcome to the all new ByteBox Media Network.
We look forward to bringing you new products and new services for 2022 and beyond.
Kind Regards,
Danny Jay
ByteBox Media