Welcome to ByteBox Media Support

This is the official, central hub for support for all ByteBox Media Services and Products.

Please navigate through this site using the menus above or select from a location below.

Read through the documentation and manuals for the product you need help with.

Our documentation section contains full manuals for each product and every service we provide.

You can browse through a plethora of pages, instructions and “how-to’s” to find any kind of information you want.

We highly recommend you start here in your quest for answers regarding any of our products or services.

Visit our online forums where questions are asked and answers are given. Where ideas are sparked and creativity explodes!

Our forums are the “goto” place for help if you are stuck with the documentation or tutorials provided.

Anyone can join our Discord server.

If you have a pre-sale question, you can ask this inside our pre-sale lounge.

If you are an existing customer, you will require an Active service product subscription in order to access the private lounges.

Once you are in our Discord server, head over to the #Store-Verification channel, select which product(s) you own and enter your email address and license keys.

Service Status

Here is the current outlook of our service availability across our whole network. If a service is down, we’ve probably already been notified, however, you can check our service status further via our Discord server.

If you think we could be unaware of a particular service, server, website or page that is down, you can use the button below to email us directly and let us know there is a problem.

Important Note

Here at ByteBox Media, we pride ourselves on providing the best customer support around. However, we do stress that product and service users should browse through the documentation and tutorials for that particular product before asking questions in the Discord server or on the Forums.

If you are struggling to find an answer for something, please use the Search feature inside Discord and the forums first.

Failure to search first and locate available resources, then asking questions in Discord may result in your Discord membership being suspended.

VIP Support

Want exclusive 1-to-1 support for our products and services?

We offer an exclusive VIP support package via Patreon. It’s instantly available after signing up.

You will receive:

  • 1-to-1 Discord Support
  • Access to VIP Lounge on Discord
  • Super Priority Support
  • 1-to-1 Support from Staff and Devs
  • Exclusive Downloads
  • BETA Access to new products
  • BETA Access to new services

Customer Login

If you are a product customer and want to access the private support forum sections and other resources here, login with your Store account.