
Trusted Member
Joined: 6 April 2022 16:51
Last seen: 29 December 2023 20:33
Topics: 5 / Replies: 27
Replies: 2
Views: 478
RE: consulte support vip

Patreon explains exactly when you will be charged upon pledging to a creator. Our VIP support tier is no different. Attached is a screenshot of the pa...

2 years ago
RE: consulte support vip

That's not up to us. That's how Patreon's business model works and has since it's creation in 2013. You are billed as soon as you start your membershi...

2 years ago
RE: consulte support vip

That's correct. All Patreon subscriptions renew on the 1st of the month. That's how their buisness model works. So when you pledged for vip on the 27t...

2 years ago
RE: prohibir una discordia help

No, you were kicked by the bot for breaking the #rules and pinging staff (me). You can rejoin, but please observe the #rules.

2 years ago
RE: Error: Unable to fin any programming interface. GLV3 Dev edition

@joseph-scocca The public version has been released. Please update GLC V3 to 1.11, rebuild your launcher, and report back if the issue persists.

2 years ago
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