The Workspace Editor

The Workspace Editor for Config File Creator provides you with an easy-to-use workspace. to create your custom dialogs and configuration screens with. At the top of the application window you have the main menu. From the main menu you can access all of the applicable settings and tools available for...

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Dialog Pages

Dialog Pages From the dialog pages section, you can edit, add, remove and rename pages in your project. Edit Page To edit a page, right-click on that page and select edit page. The real-time editor will then load up that page inside the editor. Add Page To add a new...

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Top Toolbar

The top toolbar allows you to quickly access features on the fly. Every time you edit a page, the object list will populate with all the objects in that page to edit. You can quickly select an object from this list and then select it inside the editor by pressing...

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Working Grid

The working grid allows you to stipulate a 'grid size' to work with inside the live editor window. This grid can be absolutely any sizes you wish and objects will 'snap' to the grid for the respective sizes. You can use 0 to 65535, although typical values used are: 0,...

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Object Palette

The object palette is located on the right side of the editor and contains all the available objects to insert into your page. It is currently loaded with Checkbox, Toggle Button, Image, Label, Button, Slider, List and Text box. Simply click on an object to insert a new one into...

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Editor Preferences

The editor preferences allow you to customize some aspects of the workspace editor. Editor Background This allows you to change the background color of the main editor window. Sometimes it's necessary to have a lighter color if you're editing a dark theme and vice-versa. You can change this at any...

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Global Options

The Global Options dialog can be accessed via the menu (View > Global Options). The Global Options dialog allows you to specify a series of colors and fonts/font sizes that you can quickly use throughout your project for your objects. Global Colors 1,2,3,4 Click on the color box at the...

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Build Project

Building your project with CFC is very easy. Just access the build project dialog from the menu (Build > Project). Once you are in the dialog, simply type the filename of the executable to build (don't put .exe at the end) we automatically do that for you and then click...

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List Options

The list options can be found via the menu (View > List Options). The list options are global, changes you make here will reflect all lists inside your configuration application. You will see a real-time preview of what the list will look like. You can customize certain aspects from the...

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