AOPS2 Help

Cachebuster Type By default, AOPS2 sends a cachebuster query with every patch file to download. This ensures it doesn't use any server cached copy of the file and uses the direct file from the server. If you are using one of our patch servers, it is ok to use None...

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Pre and Post Requisites

Pre and Post Requisites allow you to check particular conditions before and/or after the patch process. Prerequisites allow you to perform checks before the patch process starts. Postrequisites allow you to perform checks after the patch process has completed. This allows you to check certain things like is a particular...

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Building a New Game Patch

GLCV3 contains it's very own built-in patching system called AOPS2. AOPS stands for Advanced Online Patching System. This is the second, more faster and more efficient version, hence the 2 at the end of the acronym. Building a patch for your game is very easy with Game Launcher Creator. Here...

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Command Line Patch Builder

The command line patch builder can be used standalone with the Developer Edition of Game Launcher Creator V3. In order to use the standalone patch compiler, you must send all the necessary (and some optional) command line switches to it. We will cover them here. Notes for using the CLI...

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Debugging your AOPS2 Log

Inside GLCV3 and the AOPS2 patching system, we have included a feature to debug your game patch system on a user's computer. To do this, you just run your patching system as you normally would, except this time you need to include the /Y1 commandline for the action. We strongly...

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Creating a New Game Version Patch

Once you have read through and setup your initial game files, every time you want to perform an update, you simply just need to build a new patch version. We will show you here how you can do that. Creating a new version Inside the Patch Builder, underneath the menu...

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AOPS2 Command Line Switches

If you are using GLCV3 Developer Edition, you can completely and fully control the AOPS2 Patching System with command line switches. Here is a list of the available switches including a description for each. Please note, any switches that need additional data attaching to them (ie: /P<url>) you must ensure...

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Some Dependencies and DLL Files

The Game Launcher Creator V3 Patch System Runtime has its own set of dependencies loaded at runtime. These are already packed into the patch.exe executable. These are extracted at the launch and then loaded into the process at runtime. However, this comes with a warning. If you have any DLL...

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Update Launcher Files

You can update your launcher files within AOPS, however there are some files you need to ignore if you are running AOPS embedded into your launcher (silent). If you are running AOPS as a separate window, you need to ensure you exit the launcher. If you are running AOPS as...

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