Download Object

The Download Object action allows you to download a file to the user's computer. Naturally, this should normally be an executable (or an installer). Note: You cannot select 'Run After Download' if the file is not an executable file. This action is useful for downloading a file to the user's...

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Exit Launcher

Performing this action will tell the launcher to exit itself. Please note, if you intend to use this in a series of actions, make sure this is the LAST action to be performed as this will exit immediately and if you have actions after it has exited, they won't perform.

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Mute Music

This action will MUTE any global music playing. Performing this action for a second time, will UNMUTE the global music playing.

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Minimize Launcher Action

This action will minimize the launcher to the Windows taskbar.

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Change Page Action

The change page action tells the launcher to load a different page. Page Number This is the number of the page to load up. Indexes start from 0. So Page 1 is 0, Page 2 is 1 and so-forth.

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Launch Registry File

You can tell the launcher to locate a particular executable on the user’s computer through the registry. If you have setup your game with an installer and have written out where the game is installed to in the registry for example. Or using the registry to gather where another executable...

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Global Events

Introduction Global Events are events that can be triggered inside your game launcher. When an event is triggered, you have the option to specify an action or series of actions to run instantly. You can find most of the Global Events by clicking the Global Events icon in the top...

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What is an Event Action

Scattered throughout GLCV3 you will find Event Actions. These are places you can specify actions to happen at that given event. Gamer Edition is limited to one action per event, whereas Indie and Developer Editions can use an unlimited amount of actions per event. What is an Event Action? An...

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Launch Local File

The Launch Local File action allows you to run or launch a file that is local to the launcher executable (ie: the same folder). Filename Simply type the name of the file in here and the launcher will run it (if it exists). If it is to be in the...

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Open URL Action

URL The Open URL event action allows you to specify which URL to go to. This can be any web page/web site/URL. You must specify the protocol (ie: http/https://) at the beginning. Parameters Developer Edition users can enjoy the additional parameters property. This allows you to send specific parameters as...

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Vol Up / Down Action

The volume up and volume down actions do exactly that and these apply to the Global Music in your launcher. You can show the value of the current music level using a progress bar. See the progress bar settings for more information.

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Patch System Action

This action calls the Patch System. You can send additional command line parameters here if you are using the Developer Edition of GLCV3.

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GET Query Action

This action allows you to refresh a query string. This should only be used for image and text buttons. Select this action, then go to the Query String object you want to refresh and input the internal name of this button into the trigger field.

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Show Objects - Action

This action allows you to show objects. In order to show objects with this action, just make a list of each object's internal names and separate them with a comma. Example: p_0_image_0,p_0_button_3,p_0_gif_0 If you want an object to be hidden at start, just select 'Hide at Start' from the property...

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Hide Objects - Action

The Hide Objects action allows you to hide objects in your launcher. It will make them invisible to the user. You can hide one object by typing it's internal name in this box, or make a list using commas to separate each object name. Example: p_0_image_0,p_0_button_3,p_0_gif_0 Note: If you want...

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Built-in Updater

This action calls the Built-in Updater that you have configured. This is NOT the patch system. Just the basic update system.

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Restore Launcher Window

This action will restore the launcher window, if it is minimized to the taskbar.

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