Your Master Key is your global password for Encrypting and Decrypting.

When you first run CryptiKey, you need to enter a Master Key (which is a Master Password) before being able to Encrypt or Decrypt files.

Master Key Dialog


You MUST use a password that is exactly 16 characters long.

Your password should contain a mixture of numbers, letters and symbols. Once you set this password, you should write down and securely store this password somewhere safe for future reference, unless you can remember it.

You can use the ‘Generate Random Password’ button at the side if you want CryptiKey to generate you a random, secure Master Key.

Your Master Key is NOT stored or viewed by us. We do not have access to your Master Key at any time. If you lose or forget your Master Key, you will lose the ability to decrypt any files you have encrypted. Be sure to write or store this password somewhere safe.

Changing the Master Key

You can change the Master Key to use at ANY time.

Any files you encrypt after changing it, will be encrypted using this Master Key. To decrypt them, you will need to have the same Master Key set.

Does this mean I can use different Master Keys for different files?

If you want to, yes.

You can just use ONE Master Key forever, or you can have multiple Master Keys for different files (or change it every month etc.). However, in order to Decrypt the files, you must ensure you use the same Master Key you used when you Encrypted those particular files.


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