Your Developer Dashboard contains an overview of your Developer and User account at LaunchBoost.

Uploading a Company/Game Avatar

Here you can upload a company or game avatar to represent your business or your game. It can be a company or game logo.


This section shows the amount of LB storage you are using for your game files.

Your Role

This shows your current role on the LB service. If you have an active subscription, it will show Subscriber or Customer.

Member Since

This displays when your user account first signed up to LaunchBoost.

Your Details

This shows an overview of your account details including your Username, your Email Address and a link to your API Key.

Connects / Successes

This graph displays two analytics. The first in red, are connects. These are successful connects to your LaunchBoost API key through a patch system. This proves a user ran the patch system and successfully connected.

The second shows the amount of patch successes, in green. These are completed and successful patches ran.

You can use this information to see how many users connect vs how many run through the patch system successfully.

This number will fluctuate due to many reasons such as the user experienced an error and didn’t finish patching or they just didn’t want to finish the patching. You should only be concerned if the green bar is a very low number in comparison to the red one. If it is, then check your patch logs for errors.

API Response Types

This shows the amount of errors reported from your patch system against non-errors (such as informational messages and success messages). You should only be concerned if the Error slice is bigger than 10%.

Daily Usage (MB)

This shows the amount of daily usage downloaded from your patch system. It shows the amount of data (files) downloaded via the patch system in Megabytes.

This is a collective number (all the users on that day). If you want to see the amount each individual user is downloading per patch, you can check your patch logs and look for the MB: numbers messages.


Customer Login

If you are a product customer and want to access the private support forum sections and other resources here, login with your Store account.