The local image object allows you to insert an image from your computer directly into your game launchers. It will be packed up and shipped with your game launcher ready for use. Formats supported are Bitmap (.bmp) JPEG (.jpg;.jpeg) GIF (.gif) PNG (*.png)

Image Filename

Here you can specify the image filename for the local image. Click the [ … ] button to locate the image on your computer and GLC will automatically update with the new image. N.B If the image is deleted, moved or renamed on your computer before your Build, GLC will lose the link to that image.

Enable Image Click

Check this box to enable the user to click on the image. The resulting property will be launched. You can type in an executable name here (ie: mygame.exe) or a web address (ie:


This enables you to change the transparency level of the image inside the game launcher. Values range from 0 (opaque) to 128 (transparent).

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