The Image Button object is a button object that uses images for the normal, hover and click states.

You can use your own images for this. We recommend that you use PNG (32 w/alpha) for the best effect. But you can use JPG/GIF/BMP files too.


Inside the images tab of the object properties you have 3 states to choose from. Normal, Hover and Click states. The normal state is when the mouse is not over the object.

The hover state is for when the user hovers over the button with the mouse and the click state is when the user clicks the button.

The click state will remain until the user ends the click on the button. That’s also when the actions are executed.

You can choose any image from your launcher library for these states. Supported filetypes are BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG.

We recommend PNG (32 bit with Alpha Transparency) for best effect.

There is also a preview of your button in this dialog to test the normal, hover and click states.

Sound Effects

You can apply sound effects to this button object for if the user hovers the button and if the user clicks the button. Simply click on the Browse Launcher Library icon to select your audio file. We recommend WAV (WAVE File) format. Supported formats are WAV, MP3.

You can also preview the sounds using the play and stop buttons. If you click the play button and nothing is played, it could be that the format you are trying to play is not supported.

Button Cursors

You can choose to change the mouse cursor icon when the user hovers over this particular button.


You can attach an event to this particular button to execute an action or series of actions if this button is clicked. Please see the Event Actions section for more information.

Transparency and Colors

If you use an Alpha PNG, transparency will be automatically applied.

However, if you use Bitmap or JPG or GIF, the transparency color will be RGB (0,128,128). So if you want to use any other file format to PNG, like JPEG/BMP/GIF, then to make any area transparent or “see through”, use RGB color 0,128,128.


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