The progress bar object is available in the Indie and Developer editions of GLCV3.

For Indie, you can use it for showing the total percentage of a download as an example. For Developer Edition, you can use it for this and much more.


Here you can set the values for the progress bar object.

Minimum Value: This is the minimum number value.
Maximum Value: This is the maximum number value.
Default Value: This is the default value the progress bar starts at when it is created.

Attach Progress Bar

You can attach this progress bar to a particular feature inside GLCV3. Here are the current options:

AOPS Overall Percentage (%)
This is the Overall Patch Progress shown as a percentage for AOPS, the built-in patching system.

AOPS Current File Percentage (%)
This is the current file scan/download shown as a percentage for AOPS, the built-in patching system.

Global Music Volume
Toggle this to show the current global music volume as a percentage. Delivered from 0 – 100.

Complete (Event)

This is a condition which triggers when the progress bar is full. You can specify the actions to perform here when the progress bar is full.

Do not use this event to detect the end of an AOPS patch. Please use the Global Events AOPS Complete and AOPS finishing up for those. Executing this event whilst AOPS is still running could cause problems.


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