The bottom toolbar inside the GLCV3 editor gives you a quick glance into a few particular properties to look at. We will cover these left to right.

Window Mouse Position
This is the current mouse X/Y position in relation to the monitor/screen.

Launcher Mouse Position
This is the current mouse X/Y position in relation to the top-left corner of the launcher window.

Selected Object Position
This will show you the currently selected object’s X and Y position in the launcher window.

Selected Object Size
This will give you the Width x Height of the currently selected object in the editor window.

Editing Layer
This will show you the current layer you are editing on. Any objects you insert will be inserted to this layer by default. You can change this layer by changing the layer from the list in the workspace toolbar.

Grid Size
This is the current grid size you are working with. You can change this in the preferences dialog. If you are moving an object about in the editor, you can hold down the SHIFT button whilst you move it to ignore the grid size and use pixel perfect positioning.

This shows you which of the special keyboard keys are currently selected. CAPS is for CaPs LoCK, NUM is for the keyboard Number Pad and SCRL is for the Scroll Lock key on your keyboard.

GLCV3 Edition
This shows you what edition of GLCV3 you are currently subscribed to.

License Status
This shows you what your current license status is.



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